Sunday, September 14, 2008

Did I actually write about a weekend???

This weekend was absolutely drab weather wise, but it was enlightening in respects to some reserved prejudices I upheld steadily for some time.

I forgotten how touchingly aesthetic it feels to be with another person in a intimate, unreserved context. It's been so long since I allowed myself to willingly enter in and experience that implicitly, but I met someone not long ago that gave me an incentive to do so. I think what I missed most with dating is having a inside, private moment with someone, a moment that is disinterested from the notion of an uninterrupted world outside two people. Of course, such moments can't and won't last forever, and with that considered, I feel that is what distinctively conceives the bliss of what's there, then, and now. What seems appropriate is to savour it while it's there.

"I am going to kiss someone and not allow timidness nor an analysis interfere with it."

I have to start undertaking as well as financially investing in some choices relatively soon. Residentially, transportation-wise, and education. I have to conquer them all, but constructively do so by putting them in a sequential order of importance based upon a logistic and rational intuition. FASFA is essential; I need to know how much money I can borrow from the government next Spring.

On the softer side of things, Fall is bleakly appearing (by means of a stormy introduction), so Halloween is approaching! I am ready to take on the appearance of an awkwardly possessed Rick Moranis (Ghostbusters) as well as a psychotic Nurse Joker (The Dark Knight). Both are pretty unique and sensibly cost efficient to do. I am also looking forward to more satirical jabs at the Republicans as this election season unfolds more elaborately and competitively. Last night Tina Fey brilliantly spoofed Sarah Palin on SNL, and I can't wait for more.

So things feel progressive and not overly neurotic for a change. It's nice.

Today someone made an interesting comment today after reading my blog; that with respect to my choice phrasing of words,
"I would make a fine political speech writer."

Scary thought! I don't think I have it within me to be that freely bias/critical though. :p